Happy birthday to a longtime friend of ours!
I’ve made a similar 50th birthday cake balloon hat before. I like how the use of the clear 260 balloon helps make it look like the numbers are floating.

My favorite balloons to twist
Happy birthday to a longtime friend of ours!
I’ve made a similar 50th birthday cake balloon hat before. I like how the use of the clear 260 balloon helps make it look like the numbers are floating.
A special birthday cake for a very special girl. Happy birthday!
This was the first time I used metallic colors for a birthday cake – I like how they look!
Hope everyone is doing okay, especially during this difficult time with the coronavirus. Hang in there and stay safe! Life has changed so much in many ways. Now, whenever I hear cars honking, I first think that it must be someone’s birthday!
Happy birthday, W! Can’t believe you’re two already. It was fun celebrating at Chuck E. Cheese’s – I haven’t been there since I was a kid!
This time I decorated the birthday cake with some small flowers (like the one added to the unicorn.) I’ve enjoyed using the chrome color balloons more – kids and adults like them too!
A very special happy 50th birthday to our friend Chris, whom my husband and I have enjoyed getting to know these last two years. Here’s a special birthday cake hat with the numbers 5-0 attached using some clear balloons. I added an extra structural balloon segment inside the cake in order to attach the numbers. Happy birthday Chris! What a memorable birthday with such fun stories.
On another note, I can’t believe it’s already May and this is only my first post! Time flies. Hope to have a few more posts soon, especially with many different celebrations coming up.
I haven’t posted in a while – just haven’t had the time. But I have been twisting quite often! I will try to get some more posts in this next month!
I think I’ve made more birthday cakes this year than I’ve made in any year so far. This five-sided cake design is one I often make, but each one is just as specially made. I tweak some small details (like colors) for each person. Here are a couple cakes.
Happy birthday to Ashley! I was so glad I got to meet Ashley and give this to her personally.
And happy birthday to Joshua! Thanks for inviting me to your party! I used Supergirl colors here, one of his favorite superheroes. You can see I added a yellow balloon layer in the middle.
I mentioned that you can put the balloon in the freezer to make it last much longer, and I was amused when Joshua’s mom sent me this photo of what he did when he got home. 🙂
I was stopping by a brunch at a friend’s place and thought I’d bring cupcakes. I love balloon food. 🙂
This balloon is quick to make, but requires a more advanced twist tulip twist and a couple pinch twists. You’ll need a 5″ round, a 160 balloon for the frosting, and a ~4″ red scrap for the cherry. I saw these in a video tutorial by Scott Kazan. I have so many blush 5″ rounds, and am glad I found another way to use them!
[ Video tutorial by Scott Kazan ]
This birthday cake was made for a fun, energetic little girl who LOVES Minnie Mouse! Happy Birthday Kylen! 🙂 It was so great to celebrate with you! Can’t believe you’re growing up so quickly!
This balloon is a birthday cake balloon with a Minnie Mouse balloon on top (the feet are squeezed in.) I had thought about twisting Minnie Mouse permanently in on top of the cake, but this way, you can easily take Minnie off and just hold the Minnie Mouse balloon if you want.
The balloon cake uses the same pentagonal base design you see in most of my balloon cakes. Minnie Mouse is made based on this design by Syan. I need to work on the cheeks a bit so Minnie is less like a chipmunk. Not pictured here is a heart balloon that I attached to Minnie’s hand with “Happy Birthday!” written on it.
[ Syan’s instructions for Minnie Mouse – translated version ]
I made this cake for a Christmas party today. I wanted to make a cake larger than the one I usually make, and made this two-tiered six-sided cake.
To make this cake, I used fourteen white 260s, two green 260s for the top of the cake, six green 160s for the frosting to decorate, and a couple scraps for the candle. It was the first time I made a cake this size and took 2+ hours.
Hope everyone has a wonderful holiday!
The above penguin and cake were made for a special birthday boy whose party I attended. (So many spring birthdays!) I’ve blogged about each of these balloons before (penguin, cake), but thought I’d show this picture as the colors are a bit different. One day, I may get to posting instructions for the penguin balloon, if enough people are interested. (Everyone seems to love penguins!)
Happy birthday G! I made a princess that somewhat resembles Snow White (G’s favorite princess). And what’s a birthday without birthday cake?
Princess: To make the princess, I used this video to help me get started. For the head, I used a black 260 for the hair and a blush 350 for the head. For the body, I improvised and made a slightly more detailed dress. I used a blush 160 for the arms, a 260 shiny blue for the top of dress, and 350 and 160 yellows for the bottom of the dress. If you only have 260 balloons, that is fine. I just like to use different sizes so everything is more in proportion. You may not be able to tell from the picture above, but both the bottom and top of the dress (and the hair) use a bird body (or three-bubble roll through.) I used a red 260 scrap to make a small hair bow, and a white paint pen and different colored markers to draw in the facial features.
Birthday cake: For the birthday cake, I followed this video to make the base of the cake. I made my cake 5-sided instead of 6-sided. After making the base, I “decorated” the cake using 160 pink balloons. The candle is a pretty neat twist. The candle is basically made by using a tulip twist, which can be a little difficult the first time (it might pop when you take your finger out of the balloon.) You can wear this birthday cake as a hat too!
[ Video link: Princess balloon ]
[ Video link: Birthday cake ]