Poop (emoji) wand

Poop wand

Introducing the newest poop emoji balloon – the poop wand! Everything it touches turns into magical poop! I’ve been making wands, scepters, and poop balloons, so I thought why not a poop wand? I added some ribbon for fun.
I think this one is a winner – I got some laughs out of it. But who doesn’t like poop?

Happy birthday, G!

Unicorn poop

Unicorn poop

I didn’t plan on it, but I’ve been making a lot of poop this week! πŸ™‚
My niece suggested this one – unicorn poop!

I didn’t have a 160 balloon in gold chrome, so I stuffed a 160 inside a 260 gold chrome to get the size and color I wanted. It worked well! I think it helped to hold the twist better too.

Unicorn poop