Birthday bouquet

A birthday bouquet for one of the loveliest! Happy birthday, Joanne!

A bouquet of five flower balloons in glass jar
Flower bouquet

I made a couple new flowers that I hadn’t made before. The weaving pattern is fun to try. Check out Sergey’s rose balloon tutorial. I reused a glass jar to hold the flowers – it’s solid and weighted, so won’t fall over. I like to save glass jars (pickles, applesauce, etc) for this purpose.

[ Sergey’s tutorial video ]

Flower bouquet

Flower bouquet

It’s been a while since my last flower balloon bouquet. I hope to try making some new types of flowers soon.

I ran out of the glass vases I usually use for flower bouquets, but I found the wide mouth canning jars work great for this purpose. They will fit about 6 stems made out of size 160 balloons.

Happy birthday, Evelyn! Always great to meet new friends!

Balloon bouquet

Balloon bouquet

This balloon bouquet was made for a couple celebrating their new home and soon coming baby boy. My husband and I met them almost a year ago, have gotten to know them well, and are excited for their coming little one. Congrats to you both!! 🙂

In this bouquet, I included a Betallatex 5″ emoji round balloon, which I just received in my recent order of balloons from I decided to order from them this time, as they have a larger assortment of balloons in their catalog at great prices.

For the stems I used the Qualatex Fashion Wintergreen 160Qs. I like using this shade of green for the stems.

Birthday bouquet

Flower bouquet
Flower bouquet

Happy happy birthday to my wonderful niece! Can’t believe it’s been 5 years already since I made you this princess balloon for your birthday.

For this bouquet, I added a heart and a Hello Kitty balloon. Different shapes are fun, and who doesn’t like Hello Kitty? Using such balloons also saves your fingers from having to twist additional flowers.

A couple of the flowers petals deflated by the next day. (That’s okay – you can’t really tell.) I’ll have to remember to let a little air out of the balloon before tying to help avoid popping/deflation.

Flower bouquet

Flower Bouquet
Flower Bouquet

This flower bouquet was made for my friend’s baby shower. Congratulations Katie on your coming bundle of joy! 🙂

You can make a vase out of balloons, but I often like using a real glass vase. It looks nice and it is sturdy. For the stems, I like to use the wintergreen 160 balloons, which are part of the Qualatex 160 Vibrant Assortment. Of course, any green will work. Many of these flowers I’ve made before, but I did look up a tutorial for the rose. There are many rose videos out there – I used this video by Yonaimy. Lastly, you get to use your flower arranging skills. 🙂

[ Video tutorial by Yonaimy ]

Flower for wall decoration

Flower with heart petals
Flower with heart petals

To decorate one of the walls at a baby shower, I made three of the these flowers, one red (as shown), along with one pink flower and one white flower. The flower is almost a foot wide after being put together.

To make this balloon: the flower is made of five 6″ heart balloons for the petals, and a yellow balloon for the middle part. I used a part of a yellow 350 balloon (with two pinch twists), but you could also just use a small round yellow balloon (twisted in half). Inflate and tie three of the heart balloons together, and the other two heart balloons together, and then twist the two sets to connect them. Then slide the yellow balloon into place. The balloon will look the same on both sides. I tied a short piece of ribbon to the balloon and taped the other end to the wall.

I will try to put a video together about how to make this balloon. It’s pretty simple!



Flowers are always nice to have for special occasions, or for any day, real or rubber :). Balloon flowers are nice, bright, and colorful, and don’t require watering (and actually do not like direct sunlight.)

I saw this rose design from Mr. Boma’s youtube video. To make this balloon, I used one pink 160, one red 160, and one green 160. The pattern for twisting petals may be a little tricky at first, but is pretty easy once you figure it out.


[ Mr. Boma’s rose video ]

Bouquet of flowers

Bouquet of flowers
Bouquet of flowers in a vase

Flowers are a great gift for any occasion, and so colorful. As long as you can make a simple flower, you can make a bouquet of flowers! You can also easily add variety by making flowers of different sizes, colors, shapes, and number of petals.

To make this:
Use two yellow and two blue 260 balloons (or whatever colors you prefer) to make the four flower heads. Use two green 160 balloons for the stems of the four flowers (or use 260 balloons if you don’t have 160s). Tie one flower head to each end of the green balloon and twist in half. (Two stems are made from each balloon.) You can twist some leaves for the flowers if you’d like. Another option is that you can inflate a small scrap if you’d like the middle of the flower to be a different color. After you’ve arranged your flowers, use a part of a 160 balloon to make the ribbon to hold the flowers together.

Oh, and remember, balloon flowers (balloons in general) actually don’t like the sun – they last longer in the shade. 🙂

Flower (made with a Geo Blossom)

Flower made with a Geo Blossom balloon

I have a whole bag of Geo Blossom balloons and have yet figure out what to do with them. The most common and obvious thing to make with Geo Blossom balloons is a flower, and so I made this simple flower. It looks the same on both sides.

To make this balloon, I used one Geo Blossom, one small white round, and one green 260. With the white round balloon, first make a small bubble, tie a knot as far in in as possible, thread it through the Geo Blossom, and then make a second bubble on the other side of the Geo Blossom. Then, tie a knot and wrap it around the center of the balloon (like a pinch twist) to hide the knot. Afterwards, inflate the Geo Blossom, and use the green 260 to make the stem and leaves of the flower.

Not just for kids!

Happy Birthday M and S!
Dog and cat

I twisted some simple balloons (heart wands, flower hats, and four-legged creatures) for two special birthday girls at IHOP after our softball game one night. I used to think balloons were just for little kids, but I’m starting to see adults can enjoy them too (to my surprise!) This past summer while visiting family, I twisted some balloons for my little cousins, and I think my grandpa enjoyed them just as much. 🙂

(D commented that my friends aren’t really adults, but I disagree!)