Happy Thanksgiving everyone!
I made three turkeys this week – the easier, inedible kind. 🙂 Took about 10+ minutes each after I figured it out. I saw a photo of another version of a balloon turkey online a while ago and wanted to try to make one sometime.

To make this balloon, I used a 350 brown balloon, two 260 brown balloons, and part of a white 160 balloon. First, make the main body with the 350 balloon. Do a three bubble roll-through and then wrap/tie the fourth bubble in place. Second, use a 260 balloons to make a wing, slide it through the body, and then make the second wing on the other side. You’ll probably have some balloon left over – pop it or use scissors to remove it. Third, use the other 260 to make the legs. You’ll likely use the entire balloon for the legs. Lastly, add the bone to the legs using the white 160.