Where to buy

Although many party shops and toy stores sell balloons for twisting balloon animals, the ones sold in the stores are generally not very good quality, are older, and will often pop (leading to frustration!)
As mentioned before, I suggest buying good, quality balloons (I’ve been using the Qualatex brand and usually order mine online.)

If you want to simply buy a bag (of 100 or 250), you may want to buy it off Amazon.com to save on shipping. (See links below.) There are different sizes of balloons, but a bag of 260 balloons are good to start with. I’ll add a page for suggested balloon products at some point.
If you want to see what other balloon products are out there, check out Tmyers.com. They are a pretty well-known company with a large selection. If you are buying A LOT of stuff, Balloonmerchant.com seems like a well-priced shop too. I’ve ordered from both.

Balloons – are you using good quality ones?

Balloon twisting is sometimes harder to do than it looks, but it might not be you! It might the balloons you are using.

The balloons you find at the toy store or local store are often pretty old and not so high quality. Professional balloon artists use high quality balloons, which are much less likely to pop and just easier to manipulate in general.

I’ve always used Qualatex balloons (in my limited experience) and they seem to be used by many professionals. Bellatex is the other major brand. If you know me, feel free to just ask me for some balloons and to borrow a pump, if you want to try it out. I usually have more than enough balloons. (The Qualatex bags come in 100 count and 250 count.)

You can buy these balloons from Amazon.com:
Qualatex 260 Balloons (100/bag) Assorted colors
Qualatex 260 Balloons (250/bag) Assorted Colors